How to work with epoxy in cold weather

We regularly receive questions about processing epoxy and other resins in winter. In this article we explain what you should pay attention to and what you should and shouldn't do if you are going to pour epoxy in winter at low temperatures. We have some useful tips!

What is the ideal processing temperature of epoxy?

The ideal processing temperature of epoxy is 20°C. It is therefore best to process epoxy at room temperature. At lower temperatures, epoxy will cure less quickly compared to higher temperatures. On the other hand, you have a longer processing time at low temperatures. 

Sometimes it is necessary to process epoxy in colder conditions, for example if you have to work with epoxy in winter. In order to carry out the work successfully, we have listed a few tips for you.

Tips for processing epoxy at cold temperatures:

  • See if it is really necessary to work in the cold. Can the workpiece be moved to a warmer place? 

  • Choose a faster type of epoxy. These can be processed better at a lower temperature than slow epoxy resins.

  • Preheat the area if possible. Sometimes you can go a long way with a heater, a few pieces of foil and some tape.

  • Avoid working in a cold wind. For example, if you are going to repair a boat, try building a tent around the repair. Or attach a tarpaulin around the entire boat with tape.

  • Choose a warmer day. Is it 6 degrees today and 11 degrees tomorrow? Then schedule the job tomorrow.

  • Process the epoxy in the morning, but only when the dew is gone. The epoxy then still has the hottest part of the day to harden.

  • Preheat the epoxy. Make sure it is at least at room temperature when starting.

  • Use narrower, taller mixing cups to mix your epoxy in, rather than wide roller trays.

  • Accept a less than optimal result. Because the epoxy hardens more slowly, there is also a greater chance of contamination in the surface, moisture deposits and dullness. As a rule, this is in the surface and you can easily sand it away.

Processing epoxy in winter is therefore not ideal, but it is certainly possible. The same is true for summer. In another article we give tips on processing epoxy at higher temperatures!

Getting started with epoxy in winter!

With these tips, most jobs can be done even in less favourable conditions during winter! Do you have questions about this article or can we advice on a project? Feel free to contact our specialists!

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