All about Multiaxial glass fabrics

Polyestershoppen is a true specialist in the field of reinforcement fabrics. In addition to an extensive range of woven glass cloths and glass mats, you will also find various mulitaxial glass fabrics here. Perhaps these are less known to you. In this article you can read all about the different glass fabrics and the advantages they offer compared to regular glass mats and fabrics.

Are you unsure about the right reinforcement fibre for your project? Please contact our specialists, we'd be happy to advise you!

What is glass fabric?

Glass fabric is also called mulitaxial glass fibre reinforcement and is a high-quality alternative to traditional woven glass cloth. The major difference between glass fabric and woven glass cloth is that the fibres in glass fabric are not woven, but consist of multiple layers of glass fibres that are aligned in different directions and bonded to each other. In contrast to woven glass cloth, where the fibres cross each other and form a 'wave pattern', the fibres in mulitaxial glass fabric are straighter, stronger and therefore stiffer under tension. As a result, the tensile strength of glass fabric is considerably higher than woven glass cloth.

Mulitaxial is composed of the words "multi" and "axial". The meaning of axial is "in the direction of the axis". With mulitaxial we mean that the glass fibres work in more than one axis direction.

Mulitaxial glass fabrics usually have an angular fibre orientation. A commonly used type is biaxial glass fabric, where the fibres are connected to each other at an angle of +/- 45°, for example. This structure makes glass fabric particularly suitable for processing in a laminate, which improves the strength in different directions. It is also possible to combine glass fabric in a laminate with a fabric, in order to improve the tensile strength in a certain direction.

Benefits of glass fabrics

  • High tensile strength.
  • Choice in the specific tensile direction of the fibres.
  • Wide choice in weight.
  • Low resin absorption.
  • Flat end result.

In what industries are glass fabrics often used?

Due to the specific properties of glass fabrics, they are often used in the following industries:

  • Yacht building / maritime industry.
  • Sporting goods (hockey sticks, racing bikes, etc.)
  • Automotive.
  • Wind energy (construction of wind turbine blades).
  • Aviation.

Of course, you can also use glass fabrics for your DIY projects!

Diffrences between glass fabric and woven glass cloth

Glass fabric Woven glass cloth
Glass fibres are laid in a certain direction Glass fibres are woven in a certain pattern
High tensile strength Average tensile strength
Low resin absorption Average resin absorption
Wide choice in fibre direction (tensile direction) Standard fibre direction  
Weight up to 1200 gr/m2 Weight up to 800 gr/m2

Different types of mulitaxial glass fabrics

At Polyestershoppen we offer different types of mulitaxial glass fabrics. Each type of has its own fibre direction, which makes it suitable for specific applications.

Unidirectional glass fabric (0°)

Unidirectional glass fabric consists of fibres that are all laid in one direction. The fabric is connected lengthwise by a small amount of glass fibres and stitching threads. This type of fabric offers excellent tensile strength in that specific direction, making it ideal for applications where forces act primarily in one direction. For example, it is often used in industrial applications and in the construction of wind turbines.

Biaxial glass fabric (-45°/+45°)

Biaxial glass fabric has glass fibres laid in two directions, usually at 45° angles to each other. This type provides reinforcement in two directions, which is why this type of glass fabric is often used in the industrial sector, automotive sector, construction of wind turbines or the reinforcement of a mast.

Square glass fabric (0°/90°)

Square glass fabric consists of two layers of unidirectional fibres: one in the length direction (0°) and one in the width direction (90°) of the roll.

Triaxial glass fabric (0°/+45°/-45°)

Triaxial glass fabric has fibres bonded together in three directions, usually at angles of 0°, +45°, and -45°. This provides even more versatility and multi-directional reinforcement. Triaxial glass fabric is widely used in the sports, wind, and marine industries.

Quadraxial glass fabric (0°/90°/+45°/-45°)

Quadraxial glass fabric is the most advanced type of glass fabric and contains fibres that are laid in four different directions: 0°, +45°, -45°, and 90°. This type offers maximum reinforcement in all directions. For this reason, this glass fabric is also called "quasi isotropic". This glass fabric is often used in the sports, industrial and maritime sectors.

Overview of all glass fibre fabrics

In the table below you will find the resin absorption and layer thickness per glass fibre fabric. The heavier the fibres, the higher the layer thickness, but also the resin consumption. You will therefore need more resin for heavier glass fabrics.

mulitaxial glass fabrics can be processed in various ways, via manual lamination (Hand Lay-up) or via a vacuum technique (Wet Bagging or Vacuum Injection). The Hand Lay-up is the easiest way to laminate glass fabrics, but as you can see in the overview, the resin consumption and layer thickness are a lot lower with the Wet Bagging and Resin Infusion method. For the best results, we therefore recommend using a vacuum technique.

Want to know more about these vacuum techniques? Check out the information article on vacuum injection or contact our our specialists.

Properties of Unidirectional glass fabric

400 gr/m2 Hand Lay-up Wet Bagging Resin Infusion
Layer thickness 0.51 mm 0.37 mm 0.36 mm
Resin consumption 332 gr/m2 194 gr/m2 179 gr/m2
640 gr/m2 Hand Lay-up Wet Bagging Resin Infusion
Layer thickness 0.72 mm 0.52 mm 0.50 mm
Resin consumption 466 gr/m2 272 gr/m2 251 gr/m2

Properties of Biaxial glass fabric

250 gr/m2 Hand Lay-up Wet Bagging Resin Infusion
Layer thickness 0.34 mm 0.21 mm 0.20 mm
Resin consumption 235 gr/m2 109 gr/m2 101 gr/m2
450 gr/m2 Hand Lay-up Wet Bagging Resin Infusion
Layer thickness 0.59 mm 0.37 mm 0.36 mm
Resin consumption 415 gr/m2 193 gr/m2 198 gr/m2
600 gr/m2 Hand Lay-up Wet Bagging Resin Infusion
Layer thickness 0.78 mm 0.49 mm 0.47 mm
Resin consumption 549 gr/m2 255 gr/m2 235 gr/m2

Properties of Triaxial glass fabric

400 gr/m2 Hand Lay-up Wet Bagging Resin Infusion
Layer thickness 0.53 mm 0.37 mm 0.35 mm
Resin consumption 370 gr/m2 210 gr/m2 194 gr/m2
600 gr/m2 Hand Lay-up Wet Bagging Resin Infusion
Layer thickness 0.78 mm 0.55 mm 0.52 mm
Resin consumption 549 gr/m2 312 gr/m2 288 gr/m2

Properties of Square glass fabric

400 gr/m2 Hand Lay-up Wet Bagging Resin Infusion
Layer thickness 0.53 mm 0.37 mm 0.36 mm
Resin consumption 373 gr/m2 212 gr/m2 288 gr/m2
600 gr/m2 Hand Lay-up Wet Bagging Resin Infusion
Layer thickness 0.78 mm 0.55 mm 0.52 mm
Resin consumption 549 gr/m2 312 gr/m2 288 gr/m2

Properties of Quadraxial glass fabric

600 gr/m2 Hand Lay-up Wet Bagging Resin Infusion
Layer thickness 0.78 mm 0.55 mm 0.52 mm
Resin consumption 549 gr/m2 312 gr/m2 288 gr/m2
1200 gr/m2 Hand Lay-up Wet Bagging Resin Infusion
Layer thickness 1.55 mm 1.08 mm 1.04 mm
Resin consumption 1088 gr/m2 618 gr/m2 570 gr/m2

Buy glass fabric?

All glass fabrics discussed in this article can be easily ordered from The fabrics are delivered from stock, so that you can quickly get started on your project. The glass fiabrics are carefully made to measure and neatly packed in a sturdy cardboard tube box. This way, the glass fabric is not damaged during transport and you can get started without any worries! In addition to the mulitaxial glass fabric, you can of course also buy high-quality epoxy, polyester and vinylester resin systems and the necessary auxiliary materials at polyestershoppen.

Benefits of Polyestershoppen

  • Very wide range of glass fabrics, carbon fabrics and resin systems.
  • Expert support department for personal advice on your project.
  • Fast delivery from stock.
  • Your order will be neatly packed on a roll or folded and shipped.
Did you know that glass fabric is also available as glass fabric tape? Ideal for small reinforcements. Biaxial glass fabric tape is available in 250 gr/m2, 450 gr/m2 and 600 gr/m2.

More information about mulitaxial glass fabric?

Do you have any questions about the mulitaxial glass fabrics we sell? Please feel free to contact our specialists via email, WhatsApp of telephone. We'd be happy to give you personal advice about your project!

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