Tec7 Spray & PUR Cleaner

- Cleaner for PU foam
- Suitable for all PU foams
- Also application gun cleaner
Tec7 Spray & PUR Cleaner is a powerful cleaning agent for removing uncured PU foam. Moreover, you can also use this spray excellently for cleaning application guns. Spray & PUR Cleaner is easy to use and suitable for all PU foams.
Benefits Tec7 Spray & PUR Cleaner
- Easy to use.
- For every gun with standard thread.
- Suitable for SprayTec and all PU foams.
Instructions for use
Tec7 Spray & PUR Cleaner is easy to use. You can use this product to clean an application gun or to remove uncured PU foam.
- Cleaning of a PU gun
Turn the dosing button of the gun completely shut, before screwing Spray & PUR Cleaner onto the gun. Screw the can onto it up to the blocking position. Then turn the dosing button completely open and press the lever of the gun completely in so as to remove the foam residues from the gun. Repeat like this until the cleaning agent comes out pure. Once again turn the dosing button completely shut, after which you can screw the Spray & PUR Cleaner can from the gun. Clean the ring thoroughly and remove any remaining product from the gun. Always store the gun dry. - Removing uncured PU foam
Install the provided spout on the can. Check whether the surface to be treated is resistant to Spray & PUR Cleaner. Then apply Spray & PUR Cleaner to a cloth and use it to clean the surface. If necessary, repeat this treatment.
Product properties
Contents: 500 ml (sausage)
Appearance (at 20°C): liquid
Vapour pressure (20°C): >= 3000 hPa.
Vapour pressure (50°C): >= 8000 hPa.
Relative density (20°C): 0.79
Water solubility: soluble
Soluble in: ethanol, ether, chloroform
Relative vapour density: > 1
Shelf life: 12 months if kept dry, cool and frost-free
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