
Syringe 12 ml
Syringe 60 ml
Syringe 100ml
Syringe 12 ml
Syringe 60 ml
Syringe 100ml
  • 6ml, 12ml, 60ml and 100ml
  • Resistant to chemicals
  • Volume discounts

Use this syringe for dispensing resins and hardeners or injecting resin into a cavity. The syringes are available in 6, 12, 60 and 100 millilitre variants. The 12 ml syringes feature an LUER orifice. The 60 ml and 100 ml syringes feature a catheter tip with an included LUER connection. The catheter tips are larger, so thicker material can also be processed.

The syringes are resistant to various chemicals.


The syringes are available in 4 sizes:

Contents Diameter
6 ml 1.2 cm
12 ml (standard) 1.5 cm
60 ml 2.5 cm
100 ml 3 cm

Take advantage of quantity discounts when buying larger quantities of syringes!

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Product Choices

0,50 0,50
Contents Price

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Volume related prices

From Price Discount
10 Pieces € 0,45 € 0,05
50 Pieces € 0,40 € 0,10